Monday, March 20, 2006

Winding down

Wow. That was one hell of a week we just had.

So a friend of Phil's from Purdue, who I'd met once before, and her boyfriend, who I totally recognized but never figured out from where, drove down for SXSW. They crashed at our place from Tuesday to Sunday and it was a blast. A friend of Phil's friend happens to have moved to Austin a couple months ago, and she stayed with us a few nights too. On Saturday night, another friend of Phil's came up from San Antonio to hang out, and he stayed too. How we fit all these people in our living room I have no idea.

But now they're all gone, and I'm sitting here by myself and feeling lonely.

Come back soon, y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doug, you can't say "y'all"! That means you are becoming a true Texan. It sucks when you have a lot of people staying and they does give a bit of emptyness.