Thursday, April 13, 2006

All the latest

Gearing up for the weekend again tonight, since I have tomorrow off. I'll likely be going tubing on the Guadalupe River for the first time since I moved to Austin. I've wanted to go since I found out about it, but never had the opportunity until now. I hope the weather's good.

Last weekend was great, hanging out with friends, watching bands, walking around downtown, and driving through the northern neighborhoods at night. I'm coming out of a funk that's persisted on a low level since my computer blew up, and got worse when I started having some digestive problems a few weeks ago.

It's all better now, and I'm ready to get back to work on some music videos for spec. That and I'm buying new stuff for the business to actually make use of some of this capital that's been sitting in a checking account earning no interest for months.

On top of that, I think I've hit on a way to lose some weight that's not onerous and should work for me. I plan to start working out again Monday, after about a month's hiatus. That's the news.

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