Maggie Walters.

This blog chronicles the thoughts and experiences of a non-native Austinite, trying to figure out life, Texas, and himself.
I was supposed to be up for breakfast at
The shop has seen at least one new addition since the last time I was here, two and a half years ago. They built a new garage on one side of the building for Scott’s business, and he’s still putting up the insulation and collecting the equipment he’ll need. Steve found out this morning that one of his good friends in
Everybody made it in just in time to eat before Steve and I had to leave to make our tee time of
Strangely enough, Mountainair hadn’t seen much of any snow when we got back, and Steve and I sat down shortly after everyone else had started. Eric and his wife Maggie, and their son Isaiah, were there this time, and Scott had a lot of fun teasing them. They’re clearly two young people in love. After supper and a blackberry cobbler with ice cream, we sat in the living room and talked for a bit while Libby the cat made the rounds. When Carl decided to turn in, I headed over to Steve’s house just down the street to watch the end of the college basketball game and Shallow Hal. I couldn’t stop yawning however, so I came back to the trailer to write and get some sleep. I’ll leave for the last leg of my trip after breakfast.
I got a good night’s sleep last night, and didn’t even wake up when Michael and Jason went to school and Diane went to work. By the time I got out of bed it was
First we headed to IHOP for a
We came back to the house to check messages, then picked the Crest as our first destination. From
We parked in the lower of the two lots because the top was full, and this necessitated a climb up the uncleared steps or a longer walk by the road. I followed John’s lead up the steps, or tried to. Several people before us had packed the snow in places, and I tried to follow the footprints that were at least six inches deep, but where they ran together, it was so slick my tennis shoes couldn’t find a purchase and I figured I must look like a cartoon character with my feet spinning in place. Luckily, I didn’t get any snow in my shoes. When I finally made it to the top, I found I was having a hard time catching my breath because of the altitude. I pictured myself having to sit down to avoid fainting, but luckily the feeling passed.
There are some amazing views from up there, as far as
Our next stop was downtown to continue my streak of photographing city skylines, although in
After we had some Arby’s for lunch, we headed to the west side of town to check out the
There has apparently been some controversy in the area over a proposal to connect two roads through part of the site. John said he could see both sides of the issue, since the rocks with petroglyphs could be moved, but I pointed out some of the meaning in these archaeological findings is derived from their context. Still, this is a debate being played out in many areas all over the west, mainly because so much has been found out here preserved in a state that’s possible to study. North of Flagstaff, the stretch of 89A I was on yesterday was expanded some time ago, and that project proceeded only on the condition that the study and recovery of ruins in the area would be conducted at the same time. There are things to be learned from these sites, but that has to be balanced against the needs of those living today.
When we got back to the house, Diane and the boys were there, but there were things going on, as I’m sure there always are, so I decided to come on out to Mountainair for supper and to stay the night. I have one more day before making the trip back to
I’ve seen so much today it’s going to be a struggle to remember it all. I got started early thanks to rain outside and the cold in the room, since I’d turned off the noisy heater before I went to sleep. I packed up and left the room key on the front desk like the sign said, then headed out of town into another dreary day. I followed the road labeled 89 South but quickly deduced from the map that I wasn’t going south, so I turned around to catch 89A down to Flagstaff.
When asked to picture
Soon I came to the crossing of the
The next couple of hours were a straight drive across a flat plain with a line of red cliffs or buttes on the left hand side and nothing on the other. I listened to NPR on the radio, which surprisingly came in enough to follow most of the way, discussing the Martha Stewart trial. Eventually, I came to a large, red roadside stand called Chief Yellow Horse, which had both indoor and outdoor areas. The indoor area had an old-fashioned iron stove. I bought a decorated arrow and a leather dream catcher. One of the signs on the outside read “Nice Indians”.
Moving on from there, I came across the entrance to the Wupatki ruins and
Sunset Crater is actually a cinder cone volcano, now dormant, similar to the one I saw in
Finally, I made it to
A little after
I kept waking up periodically last night, which meant I didn’t end up getting out of bed until nearly
There were still two things I wanted to see in Vegas before I left: the
By contrast, the Tropicana is a little bit older, and more geared toward the gambling. I had envisioned the glass-domed ceiling the athletes performed under as being at least 30-40 feet high, but it was actually more like 15-20, and no less of a feat for that. In truth, two of the three acts I saw did physical tricks like the ones I’d seen before, but the third were truly acrobats, swinging just a few feet above the heads of the patrons sitting at the slot machines below on a long tether. These two guys were very impressive.
Just before the show, I bought a coffee and put one of the quarters that made up my change in a slot machine and won another $5.00. I thought to myself, “I’ll take it,” and cashed out. For my time spent in
It was
As I headed out again, the mountains got steeper and canyons and washes started appearing, huge cracks in the landscape weaving their way into the scrubland toward the peaks in the distance. There were many spots on this drive, as there have been everywhere, when I wished there was a place to stop for a good picture. In some of them, I just held my camera up to the window and took the shot anyway, just hoping for the best. I’ve done this quite often.
I crossed the border into
Eventually, I crossed the border into
As I’d started making switchbacks up the road leading through the park, I’d begun to wonder if this road was going to be disturbingly similar to my terrible time on Highway 1 in
Finally, I reached the town of
First thing today, I headed back to the Fremont Street Experience for breakfast, and ended up eating in a McDonald’s accessible only through a casino. I walked the ten blocks or so there and back from the hostel, the beginning of a long day on my feet.
There are many professional quality pictures of staff and guests of the hostel hanging mounted on the walls of the break room here, the first time I’ve seen such quality. I wonder if they were a gift. This hostel is unusual in a couple of ways, including the fact that the building it’s in was a modern hotel at one point, complete with magnetic key cards.
When I got back from breakfast, I was so tired I went back to my room, read a little, then took a nap. While I was lying there, a procession of guys with plastic gloves came in for “housekeeping”. One cleaned the bathroom, another oiled the hinges of the door, which squealed horrendously every time it was opened, and another just seemed to be checking everything out. Around
My first stop was Caesar’s Palace, where I parked and walked right out, intending to head for the indoor rainstorm at the Aladdin. I just grabbed a piece of pizza in Caesar’s food court and didn’t take the time to really see the place because I knew I’d be coming back for my car. As I hit the street, however, I realized I was too late to catch the
The sunlight reflecting off the pink windows that cover the building gives everything a peach glow, and the abundance of birds and plant life in the open air gives it the feeling of a zoo habitat. This is only enhanced when the animal keeper comes out to feed the African penguins. She knows them all by name, and distinguishes them by the freckle-like black marks on their otherwise white underbellies. One of them was molting, that is, losing old feathers that had been replaced from underneath with new feathers. Right before this happens, they start gaining weight because their feathers aren’t waterproof during this process, meaning in the wild they couldn’t hunt for food. Unlike the flamingos, black swans, and the crowned swan also on-site, the penguins do not have hollow bones.
After losing another $10 of the $60 I made the other night, I headed for the Aladdin. The “indoor rainstorm” essentially consisted of turning on the equivalent of fire sprinklers in the ceiling above a small pool, the only difference being they used mist dispersal and far less water pressure. Most of the effect was achieved by really good sound effects coming through the speakers in the ceiling. This area is right in the middle of the walkway leading past shops and cafes, but only about thirty feet long. After it was over, I ran across some Jamaican acrobats performing the limbo, among other tricks the likes of which I saw last night at “Jubilee!”. One of them got under a bar no more than a foot above the ground, and the group of four wasn’t paid with anything but tips.
I was close enough to walk to the MGM, which I’d heard was really good, so I went in there and just barely caught a presentation featuring two of the male lions they display in a clear enclosed area. There were two trainers inside playing with them, and it was impressive. Apparently, they keep a sizable pride of lions on a preserve outside the city and rotate them in, two different ones every day, including cubs.
Next, I high-tailed it back to the other side of Caesar’s to Treasure Island, which was now a couple miles away, in order to catch the 6:00pm outdoor show of the “Sirens of TI.” I didn’t get to see it yesterday because of inclement weather. They must spend tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a day on the three, half-hour shows performed. There were a couple dozen actors, explosions, water sprays, and a moving, sinking, pirate ship. The actors lip-synched to cheesy lines and hip-hop songs, and hundreds of people crowded the sidewalk for an entire block to watch.
My feet were killing me, but I’d signed up for the
My feeling about Las Vegas, which means “the meadows” and was named for the vegetation surrounding the oasis the city eventually sprang up around, are pretty mixed despite the fun I’ve had here. It’s a metropolis in the desert whose only purpose is to legally fleece the tourists who pay for the privilege of escaping laws that exist in most other states and countries. It’s huge, and growing huger all the time. There are at least two new casinos under construction on the Strip right now.
I had nightmares last night, at least two of them, the first I’ve had in a while. At least one of them featured some recognizable actors, which in my dream I thought about casting in those roles if I wrote a movie based on the dream. Weird. Anyway, the result of this was I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep. I finally gave up and got a shower, then went down to breakfast. It was decent, but it cost $6.00, and I was hoping for better for some reason. I decided against taking any of their stinky oatmeal soap (what’s up with that anyway?), but I snagged the shampoo, loaded up and set off for my first glimpse of the
The surrounding desert had done a pretty good job of soaking up last night’s rain, but mud was still visible on one side of I-15 stretching for miles. In fact, I encountered rain showers off and on all day, but the sun was there in the intervening time, and for that I was grateful. About an hour from Primm, the city skyline appeared unceremoniously through the low lying clouds, but something stopped me from going straight in when I saw a sign for the Hoover Dam. I took the exit the sign marked and started bumbling my way around the Las Vegas suburbs for a while before giving up and getting back on the interstate. The directions I got from some bystander in a tire and lube shop sent me through the strip anyway, and I snapped a few pictures while I was at it, then shot straight out the other side and on to
When the Hoover Dam was built, it took half a decade, so the government established
Before I took the dam tour, I snapped some pictures from the top and saw more than a few chipmunks scampering up and down the sides. The tour of the dam, which has been shortened considerably due to security concerns, took about an hour. One of our three tour guides, the one who took us to see the Nevada-side turbines, sounded profoundly bored, and they all seemed personally offended not to be able to complete the tour like they used to. There are 17 turbines total, but they have to limit how much energy they generate in order to keep water levels up. The reservoir is currently at its lowest level in 20 years, and this area has been in kind of a running drought for the last five years. After the tour, it started sprinkling. Of course, the rain they’re experiencing now that I’m here is a fluke, and something they needed badly, I’m sure. (Author’s note: It’s worse than the guides let on, as many scientists now believe the relatively wet weather in the west for much of the last century was a brief part of the climate cycle, the dry part of which once lasted 400 years. It may have been a mistake to allow the population explosion in most of the west for the last twenty years.)
When I got back from the dam, I drove around town for a bit looking for a hotel the AAA book said had a cheap rate, but it was almost twice what was listed, and they didn’t have any vacancies anyway, so I checked into one of the local hostels instead. I got so much information there on what to see and do on the strip that it took me a while to get out and do anything at all. Finally, I saw the pedestrian mall on
I stepped in the Mirage looking for an affordable show, and stopped to look at Siegfried & Roy’s white
I’m planning on more of the same tomorrow, along with a trip with some other people at the hostel to the
I got up about
The neighborhood had the same bohemian feel as
Driving around the area a bit, I stumbled on a memorial park for cancer victims. As I was walking the sidewalk, a jogger went by, turned around, and called out to me, saying it really pained him to see a Purdue hat (which I was wearing) out here. “I hate being from
I was determined to see downtown, so I followed the signs and discovered
Several hours out, I was back into mountain country, snow-capped peaks rising in the distance as the sun fell behind the clouds. Around
It was getting dark and the rain came on harder as I once again found myself descending out of the mountains at a 6% grade, with signs for trucks to check their brakes. I started seeing steady traffic heading west, back to
Then, night came on, and in the distance I could see neon lights rising up out of the desert, like jewels on the end of that pearl necklace. At first I thought it could be Vegas, but as I got nearer, I realized it wasn’t big enough. Instead, it was Primm, the first town across the state line, first chance for
A big part of gambling, like life, is knowing how to quit while you’re ahead. After watching an hour of the Simpsons on TV, I decided to try my luck with $5.00 on the slots. On the third machine I stuck a quarter in, I made $60.00 on a triple play when I pushed the button by mistake. Now theoretically, I could’ve turned that money into enough to pay for this entire trip. Or I could’ve lost my original five dollars. For tonight, the three new twenty dollar bills in my wallet are enough to make me feel lucky. Tomorrow, there’s always
Today was a little driving and a lot of getting over a hangover. I got out of bed around
I could only eat about half of the food, so I took the rest in a box back up to the hostel refrigerator and labeled it “For Anybody”. Guy was up, so I told him so long, turned in my sheets, and checked out. I was on the road by
I found a hostel in an outer suburb and opted for a single room this time, for some privacy. The young woman manning the high security booth at the door locked it up to give me the tour and show me to my room. There doesn’t seem to be much of anybody here, and it’s still raining. I went to bed about
I take it all back. The hostel I stayed in last night was the worst I’ve ever encountered. I grabbed some coffee and a donut, and then checked out and hauled my stuff out to my car. I had the feeling I’d be hightailing it to
Instead, as soon as I’d packed everything up, I just toured around the city, first simply looking for gas (which ranged from $2.39-$2.69 per gallon in just three blocks), then looking for San Pedro, the southernmost tip of
Instead of walking the beach like I did last night, I sat in the common room watching Just Married with several of the other guests, including some French Canadians and an Australian named Guy that I ended up hanging out with. I walked back to my car to get a jacket when it started getting dark, but neglected to stop at any of the restaurants for supper. The Comedy Club had a couple available tickets since someone cancelled, but I didn’t buy one because I thought I’d see if anyone else wanted to go first. When I got back to the hostel, though, I didn’t ask because everyone was going to a bar for happy hour. I met a bunch of people there and had some fun conversations, then me and Guy went to another bar called the Poop Deck where they sell an entire keg in $1.00 pitcher increments, and met a couple guys new to the area who lived nearby. We all ended up hitting on some girls who came up to our table, then headed out in different directions. Guy had just flown in earlier in the day and was still looking to go to another bar, but I was too drunk by that point. I went to one more bar with him anyway, but the memories are hazy. I ended up getting sick, but at least I made it to the toilet. If I’d had supper, it probably wouldn’t have happened.
I was up before
Both yesterday and today I encountered many vineyards along the road, but today I also ran into oilfields along the coast. At one point, I saw a small island full of palm trees just a few hundred feet out, connected to the mainland by a small bridge, no wider than a two-lane road. On the island, just visible, was a large flame dancing in the wind. I couldn’t see where it was coming from or what it was doing there, and it got me so fascinated I turned off and drove back as close as I could get to it via the exit road, which dead-ended in both directions on that side of the highway. There happened to be a truck on the other end, so I drove over and asked the guy if he knew what the island was. He told me it was actually part of the oil drilling system in the area, disguised to look like something natural and beautiful. “Fucking pollution is what it is,” he said.
I had suspected that the rest of the way down, littered with towns and popular beaches as it is, would be one long stretch of buildings, but I was wrong. There are many places down here just as marshy and desolate as those I’ve seen further north. I stopped at the beach in Carpenteria and ate lunch at a deli there with an open back porch that looked like it would’ve been great for a kegger. They keep it closed unless a customer like me asks to be served outside, which apparently isn’t often. They had nice wooden tables supporting large umbrellas, but only green, plastic lawn chairs to sit in. Many more chairs were stacked against a wooden fence, on the other side of which someone was raking their lawn. A bubbling fountain was running on one side of the lot, and there were at least half a dozen young trees sitting in pots, waiting to be planted, two of which were lemon trees, the first I’ve seen. The guy who served me was a young Hispanic, probably a teenager, with two pierced ears. He didn’t act like a waiter, instead talking with me like an old buddy, which was fine by me. The sandwich I ordered was twice as big as I expected, but I ate it all.
I followed Highway 1 past famous beaches and towns like
Once I’d gotten situated, I headed out onto
Just when I started to think maybe I’d gotten further away than I’d thought, I saw the sign for the road that the hostel’s on and breathed a sigh of relief. I was back in
I decided to call it a night instead of trying to find someone to venture out with, so I can get up tomorrow and see some of the stuff nearby before heading to San Pedro.
Well, I didn’t make
I got in the car and continued west to the
I then headed north towards the
I drove past
It was during this time I looked to my left and saw a tremendous rainstorm falling on the green mountainside. When I turned to my right, my first thought was of a huge mountain range, but I quickly realized the top was all clouds. It looked like a giant tidal wave frozen in the very moment of cresting, with the sun just above and casting a huge, dark shadow just below. I turned the radio on and heard the surrounding areas were getting several inches of rain, but I was still dry and happy when I saw the signs pointing to the
I got into
I managed to get up early this morning, but my hopes for sunshine were quickly dashed. It wasn’t raining, but it looked like it might at any minute. I got breakfast at the hostel, then walked up the steep hill behind the building to get some good photos. I decided to make a walking day of it, since
Pier 39 is kind of an open air mall with an aquarium and lots of California-themed shops, but the real attraction is the sea lions. As I walked up and down the wood steps, I thought I heard seals, but the sounds weren’t coming from the direction of the aquarium. Finally, I came around a bend to see a crowd of people gathered next to a railing. Out in the water, maybe a dozen wooden platforms floated in the harbor, apparently anchored between the piers, and on them rested about 100 sea lions, barking, crawling over one another, play-fighting, and sleeping. Some of them were arching their heads up into the sky like they were sunning themselves, even though the sky was completely overcast. On one raft, they were three deep until the one on the bottom started complaining and neatly slid out from under the others. On another raft, there was just one sea lion and some seagulls.
Several placards had been placed on a wall facing the action to explain things. They told how the animals started appearing after the 1989 earthquake, and their numbers have occasionally swollen to as many as a thousand. They’re all males, even though some have the “bumps”, or ridges, on their heads and some don’t. This is because they don’t develop until the sea lions are five years old. They feed on herring in the bay, and it’s thought that they don’t have to worry about predators there because sharks don’t like the fresher water, but not enough is really known to be sure. Apparently, most animals that are billed as “trained seals” are actually sea lions. Real seals have very small flippers and different ears, as well as different colored fur.
I ran across a couple street cars on my walk, but at first I thought they were all modern now, and the old ones must’ve been retired. It turns out the older ones are still in use for tours of the city, and I almost booked one until I saw they mostly just covered streets I’d already seen, and others near enough to the hostel I could walk to them. Instead, I got a ferry ride to
You can see the island clearly from any of the docks, since it’s only 1.5 miles away from shore. It has a very eclectic history. In the 1800’s, it was established as a fort, and made up one of three gun concentrations for defending the city from the Confederates. They used military prisoners and others as labor to build the prison they were eventually housed in. In 1906, it was decommissioned and in the 1930’s the main cellblock building was opened. It operated into the 1960’s, but was never entirely full. It could have housed 360 inmates, but never had more than around 300 at one time. It was conceived of as a prison for the “incorrigible” inmates other prisons didn’t want. Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, and the so-called “Birdman of Alcatraz” all did time there. The Bird Doctor of
According to the tour, Alcatraz got a somewhat undeserved reputation for harshness to prisoners, when in fact they got three meals a day, a bed and toilet at all times, even solitary confinement, and as social norms changed in the 50’s and 60’s they could have musical instruments, jobs, and exercise in the yard. The first warden broke the rules and left the lights off for those in solitary, but subsequent wardens didn’t. The food was universally praised. When headset plugs were installed in the cells, the prisoners had two channels, music or sports.
Even with all that, it was no picnic. All mail in and out and visitation conversations were closely monitored and censored. The prisoners were not beaten or tortured, according to the tour, but the inmates could get no news of the outside world.
The cells were about 5’ by 9’, and the effect of the saltwater and howling wind was to quickly deteriorate the building and facilities, so after only a decade the place started falling apart. Part of the mystique came from the media blackout, under which the authorities refused to reveal any information about the prison to the public. There were 14 escape attempts, one resulting in a prison riot and the death of two guards, another which was possibly successful involving four inmates, three of whom were never recovered and are still listed as fugitives. The other one chickened out or intentionally turned back and bragged to authorities that he had been the mastermind behind it.
In 1969, a few years after the government shut the prison down, a group of Native American students occupied the island, drawing worldwide attention and thousands of people to their cause for 19 months. This event is now regarded as the beginning of the Native American civil rights and cultural reclamation movement, and amazingly never resulted in bloodshed.
Due to all the development over hundreds of years, the island now supports a wide array of bird and plant life it didn’t have to begin with, and is the sight of many field trips. The Boy Scouts even spend a weekend in the cells once a year. The prison facilities are in the middle of a $4 million structural renovation at the moment, but most of it is still open and the self-guided walking tour was very evocative and informative about life on “the Rock”. It started pouring shortly before it was time to board, and the wind was so strong it blew my umbrella inside out and almost knocked me down.
When I got back from that, I grabbed some pizza, talked to Carl a bit in the dining hall, then took in a showing of The Triplets of Belleville, preceded by an animated short film collaboration between Salvador Dali and Walt Disney. Both were excellent. Tomorrow, sunny
I woke up late again today, but this time it wasn’t my fault, since I didn’t get the
I stopped at a gas station in town, where the attendant behind the counter had to give you a token to use the restroom. She denied the Mexican girl in front of me access, saying she couldn’t give it to customers, then gave me the token, saying “You’re a decent guy” and that she just didn’t want to give me the token while the other girl was there. When I went around back, the Mexican girl was just leaving the bathroom. I don’t know how she got in there, but good for her.
The rest of the way into
The building this hostel is housed in has been a hotel and brothel in the past, and it could use some fixing up, but it’s still pretty interesting. It reminded me a little of the house in Fight Club. They serve food and have monthly parties in the ballroom, sometimes including live bands, like the one they had last Saturday. It also has an open air atrium that looks cool from all 3 stories.